The final drive into Ho Chi Minh was fun and sad. The drive itself was so exciting as we had been watching the number of kms to HCMC slowly declining all month and with each road sign we knew how close we were to completing our goal. The rain didn't matter, we'd faced worse and we knew this was our last and had to be enjoyed no matter what. Upon arrival we found a place to stay and parked my bike for the last time. In Ho chi Minh our main activities were viewing the Vietnam War Museum and selling our bikes. Luckily for me the sale of my.scooter was quite easy (though so sad to give up). The War Museum was not so easy. It's hard being an American traveling through SE Asia. We went to war with Vietnam and brought war to Lao and Cambodia when so. I've seen and heard so much about the war from this side and understand why the Vietnam War is not the best taught of subjects in our schools. The museum had 4 floors with many different rooms. Each room focusing on part/topic of the war. It was hard to read and see much of what was written and pictured in front of me. I was close to tears multiple times and if it wasn't for Dóra (my Hungarian friend) I wouldn't haven even been able to go into the Agent Orange room. Though it was hard I did enjoy the museum and get why it is a top attraction the city has to offer. Since I was able to sell my scooter quickly I was able to join my Hungarian friends on a trip down south to the Mekong Delta. Long story short, it sucked. Was very very tourist catered, I witnessed very horrible treatment of horses used by the tour, and it made a place I had heard was so beautiful turn to shit for me. That was pretty disappointing. After just a few days in the city and 2664 km of total driving it was time to say goodbye to Vietnam. I hopped on my first bus in a month and we made.our way to Cambodia.